You Are What You Believe!


Have you ever heard: “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.” ?

It is a quote from the famous American boxer, Muhammed Ali.

I just love this quote, so powerful!  As a matter of the fact, it expresses (very well) the true meaning of "Mindset".

"Mindfulness" means being present or being "in the moment". Mindfulness is about being aware!

Focusing your mind to see a good reason or a beneficial lesson in whatever the new day carries off may bring you some calmness and can develop a level of satisfaction into your life. Training your brain to think differently ,constructively, can help you create long-lasting positive changes! 

Caring for yourself is essential for your well-being. Self-care helps us cope with the stresses of life and work. Mindful Self-care Coaching can empower you to boost your self-awareness and to refine your strengths in order to gain higher levels of discipline, confidence and boldness. 

Eating mindfully helps to increase both overall well-being and sense of gratitude at the same time. Mindful-Eating-Coaching could be a very powerful way for those who are following certain diet/regimen, or those who are weight watchers.  It is good also for those who have some health conditions -such as high cholesterol, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes- who want to improve their eating behavior and foster healthier habits.

 ~Bringing mindfulness into daily activities and making it your way of living would enhance your body, mind and spirit, and would create more positive energy around you.  You will definitely benefit from this practice and so do others in your life.

Our "Holistic" Life Coaching  helps our clients to focus on Self-Care while coping with stress or dealing with other life challenges. Incorporating the "Holistic" concept inspires our clients to dive deeper into themselves to define their physical, mental, emotional & spiritual needs in order to get a better understanding of their purpose, to gain remarkable insights into their essence, and to enjoy a meaningful life.

Life coaches in general are different from counselors, therapists, or companions; because they’re trained and skilled to listen actively and to work with us on the challenging present toward a happier future and a better quality of life. Coaches don’t suggest the solutions like counselors do, they don’t investigate the past like therapists do, and they don’t just provide ears -when we want to vent- the way companions can do. Certified Holistic Coaches, in specific, view individuals in their daily adventures as “ wholes”, and would empower their clients to overcome their difficulties while taking into considerations the four aspects of us -as humans- body, mind, emotions and spirit. While focusing on creating realistic plans, holistic coaches help their clients to heal, flourish and thrive; by fulfilling their needs physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at the same time. 
Working with a Certified “Holistic”  Coach allows you to connect with your authentic self and to explore your life purpose which would make you feel great about your value and the role you could play in your community. 

Why You Just Take The Stress If You Can Manage It?!

Could you find someone that lives or has lived a Stress-Free-Life?! Perhaps you will say: "No, Never"!

I absolutely agree! Stress is an essential part of our lives.

Do you know that there's a good stress like graduation and a bad stress like losing your job, And there's short-term stress (acute) and a long-term stress (chronic)? Matter of the fact, what is considered "good stress" for someone could be "bad stress" for someone else! For example, going to a wedding could be exciting event for one person while another person may feel overwhelmed over picking the right outfit and getting to the celebration place on time.

Stress Management-Focused-Coaching could help you acknowledge and advantage from this (good) stress. And, would brace you against that (distress) so you can reduce your anxiety and improve your control of the situation. In other word, It's about how we manage on stress. Life-Coaching can support you in moving from coping to flourishing, and from healing into thriving!

Curious to learn more about terms like "fight or flight" and things like the connection between stress and health, or about the effects that stress could have on your body? Interested in exploring some ways to deal with stress, or some practical strategies to reduce its negative outcomes??  Alright, Sign up for our program and let's start a new chapter of your life!